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The A-Z of Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts - Course

The A-Z of Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts - Course


Join The Blue Star Academy on a journey through 26 essential Microsoft Excel Keyboard shortcuts. 


This 1-hour course is split into 5 units, designed to give you a clear and practical learning experience.


Work alongside Rachel, from The Blue Star Academy, as she guides you through a series of activities to help you:


  • Pick up new formatting techniques
  • Understand how to manipulate data quickly
  • Explore techniques for conditional formatting
  • Become more productive by learning game-changing and time-saving techniques!


This course is essential for all Excel beginners, or just about anyone hoping to improve their knowledge and understanding. You are guaranteed to get a head start if you complete this course! 


The PowerPoint show based course will be available for download after checking out, but if you experience any issues please contact us via email at



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